The Shark i Robot Vacuum

The Shark I robot vacuum is fantastic mid-range robotic. It does an excellent job of cleaning and has cool features.

It cleanses floors thoroughly and employs a row-by-row. It is also good for rugs and will be used to move over rug tassels.


The Shark i has a number of notable features, including its innovative navigation technology and self-empty dock. Its IQ navigation system uses a matrix grid for cleaning rooms-by-room. This ensures that no corner of your home is left unclean. It also emptys its trash bin into the bagless base following each cleaning, which makes it completely hands-free.

The vacuum can also be controlled by Amazon Alexa and the SharkClean App, so there is no need for an additional remote. There is also an option on the top of the vacuum to control it manually. it.

The app allows you to create the profile of your vacuum to label it, schedule cleans and look at the history of your cleaning. You can also define virtual boundaries to keep the i from entering areas where it could become stuck or hit things that are fragile. You can also select different power modes to conserve energy when doing tough jobs.

It also has a pair wheels that are grippy to assist it in navigating obstacles like the stairs or floor transitions. It is able to recognize and avoid obstacles such as electrical cords. This is useful for pet owners who have small shedding cats or dogs.

The i comes with three power settings including an energy-saving Eco Mode, a default Normal mode, and a high-power max mode. You can also design custom cleaning schedules for individual rooms or floors, which is great for those with an enormous home that requires frequent cleaning.

The i is able to be programmed to return to its dock and empty its dustbin However, you need to keep an eye on the battery life since it often overestimates how much runtime is left. It may also be confused and restart itself when you instruct it to 'Clean Your House', which is why you should be vigilant about when you begin or stop it.


The Shark i robot is sleekly designed and has a premium appearance. The main drive wheels are covered in rubber treads, allowing it exceptional maneuverability. Its footprint is tiny and can fit under most furniture. Despite its size, it's able to climb up high-pile rugs and even reach under couches.

The robot is equipped with a variety of sensors such as the boundary and cliff sensors which allow it to map out your home. It also has a module to detect and avoids obstacles. The app lets you alter the robot's settings, schedule cleaning sessions and review its history of cleaning. The app is simple to use, but it isn't able to create virtual no-go zones.

While the Shark i robot is a good option for bare floors but it has a difficult time picking up large pieces of debris such as pet hair, and it can get stuck on surfaces with a lot of clutter. The dirt compartment may get full which makes it difficult for you to empty it after cleaning. The vacuum doesn't have a self-emptying dock. You'll have empty the dust bin manually once it is full.

The vacuum's battery life is limited and often it runs out before it can return to its original location. It's also quite noisy and the app doesn't permit you to set certain areas to be cleaned or skip. It's best rated robot vacuum used together with a robot vacuum, and not as an individual machine. The benefit of delegating your vacuuming to robots is evident. The iRobot Roomba, on the other hand, has superior navigation and mapping capabilities, as well as an auto-emptying dock. It's also a bit cheaper than the Shark i robot.

Cleaning Performance

The Shark IQ vacuums well even though it's hard to get used the robotic sound. It doesn't get lost and retrace its steps like older Shark robots (like the ION 85 or RV871). The iQ does a great job of mapping your home. It makes an app-generated map which lets you identify the rooms so it can determine where it is moving.

It is a struggle with floors or rugs. It can take in small particles, but pet hair and larger objects like rice and cereals can be overwhelming for it. Its dirt compartment can also get full quickly, and its suction power will begin to reduce as it fills. This model is not suitable for floors with no carpet or carpets with a lot of pile. It also has a tendency to clog easily when it comes into contact with tangled or tipped furniture as well as lingering items like rug tassels, electrical cords, and rug tassels.

It's easy for you to solve these issues by emptying its bin at the base. The dust bin automatically empties into the bin once it's full. This eliminates the need for having to manually empty the dust bin at the end of each run. The extra-large bin needs to be emptied every 30 days, which reduces ownership costs over the long term.

You can also make use of the SharkClean app to set different cleaning options and view the battery life, create a schedule, see your history of cleaning and set virtual boundaries that block it from entering rooms where it might be stuck or hit fragile items. The iQ can also be operated by remote control, which has directions for guiding it around your home.

Battery Life

Even when in its high-suction "Max" mode the robot vacuum cleaner vacuum has excellent battery life. It can last for an hour in this mode which is more than enough time for most cleaning sessions. It also comes with an efficient 'Eco' mode, which allows for a runtime of more than 160 minutes. This feature is helpful for those who frequently change rooms or worry about running out of batteries while using the robot.

The robot vacuum also comes with a number of impressive automation features. The companion app allows you to view the remaining battery life, send the vacuum to a certain area, pause or restart cleaning, and choose different power modes. It can also be controlled by voice commands if you own a Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa device compatible with it. It comes with physical boundary markers to keep the robot from certain areas.

Although it's maneuverable, it isn't the most maneuverable model. Shark model has trouble sucking away bulky debris, especially when the dirt compartment is filled. It's also prone to getting stuck on tassels of the rug and electrical cords, and can become stuck between the legs of chairs.

vacuum-cleaning-robot-cleaning-the-room-Overall overall, the Shark IQ robotic vacuum is a good option for those who want an entry-level robot with decent mapping capabilities and simple-to-use features. It's not better than the Roborock S7 in most cases. The Roborock S7 is more durable and has less maintenance requirements. It also comes with lower costs. It recharges faster and has a longer battery life, and performs better when on floors that are carpeted or bare.

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