r-w-flame-60-recessed-and-wall-mounted-eWhy Choose a Wall Mounted Electric Fire?

Electric wall fires are an affordable and stylish choice to provide additional heat. They are available in a broad variety of designs and finishes to fit any space.

The majority of models come with a variety of options for the flame and ember bed display, as well as LED lighting effects. Some models have privacy glass that can be changed from transparent to opaque.


A fireplace that is mounted on the wall is a great way to add style and character to your home, without the need to maintain the fire. A variety of models are available and a lot of them have a modern and contemporary design that can be adapted to any interior style. They can be either hung or recessed into the wall for a seamless, built-in look. A lot of them can be used with or without heating, making them suitable for all year round use.

The Dimplex Sierra linear fireplace is an extremely popular choice. It comes in different sizes to suit any space. The sleek black frame is able to catch the flames beautifully. It's complemented with various decorative media options for the ember bed including white pebbles or crystals. Its LED display can be utilized with or without heating. The remote control allows you adjust the settings from any place within the room.

Most wall mounted electric fire places can produce some heat. This is usually done by using an area heating system that blows hot air through a heating component. Some wall mounted electric fireplaces do not produce any heat, but only offer visual flame effects. These are more appropriate for rooms that have combustible materials such as carpets or curtains.

Certain models can be hung directly on the wall. Others must be installed into an insert for fireplaces that is specifically designed. This will require either cutting a hole into the wall and installing the mantel from scratch, or it may be possible to mount the unit inside an existing fireplace insert. The latter is easier to install and requires less expertise.

Remember that you should install any electric fireplace with plenty of space and clearance around it, particularly when you plan to mount the television above it. You'll want to make sure that the space for mounting is free of combustible materials and that children or pets can access it safely.

Energy efficiency

Wall-mounted electric fires are a modern alternative to traditional gas fires, and offer a sleek design that is ideal for homes with a limited floor space. With up to 1500 watts to generate heat, they're an ideal alternative to your central heating system, or could be used as a stand-alone unit in rooms as large as 400 square feet. They are also extremely safe and have a range of safety features that are convenient like a timer, fire stop, and thermal overload protection.

Unlike gas fireplaces, an electric wall-mounted fire doesn't emit emissions or burn wood so it is more environmentally friendly. The majority of our electric fireplaces come with an adjustable remote control that allows you to adjust the flame brightness and set different lighting moods. Our most popular model, the R.W.FLAME has a realistic-looking flame that can have up to 12 flame colors and 5 brightness settings. It can be installed partially or completely recessed and will be mounted on wall fireplace (simply click the following post) nearly every standard wall stud.

One of the major benefits of electric fires is that they are highly efficient in energy use, which will save you money on your electricity bills. When you have an electric fire, you only need to pay for the kilowatts that it uses. You can determine much your electricity provider charges per kilowatt when you look at your bill for electricity or contacting your provider directly. To calculate the daily cost of running an electric fireplace, simply multiply the number of kilowatts utilized by the cost per Kilowatt that your electricity provider charges you.

Most electric fires use less than 1500 watts/hour, which is equivalent to 7675 BTU/h of heating. So, if you keep it on for 10 hours, you will spend about $2.35 per day on electricity (assuming the heater is on). However, if you switch off the heater and use it for the flame effect, it will cost you a few dollars a day to run. With this in mind, we suggest that you choose an electric fire with thermostats which automatically turns off and on in accordance with the temperature of your room.


If you opt for a wall-mounted electric fire that is wall mounted, you can add heat to your home without sacrificing space for flooring or changing the layout of the room. They are simple to plug in and activate by pressing a button. Many come with different heating settings that can be adjusted to your requirements. You can even turn the flame display off if would prefer to enjoy the visual pleasure of the fire alone.

The modern design of this wall-mounted recessed electric fireplace pairs seamlessly with your existing home aesthetic, delivering the warmth and ambiance that you desire without the stress of maintaining a real fire. It features LED color-changing flames and two heat settings as well as a non-heat mode for year-round enjoyment. The remote that comes with it lets you control the unit from any location in your home.

It is ideal for small homes without the space for a traditional wood fire, as it does not require a chimney or mantel. It has an integrated heat shield to keep the glass front from getting too hot. This also helps protect the wall from damage or stains.

When choosing a wall-mounted fireplace, pay attention to the power and the heating capacity of the model. The higher the wattage is, the more powerful heater and the faster it will heat your room. The power is also a factor in the cost to operate your fireplace and how much energy it consumes per hour.

Use a spirit level to mark the wall where you want to install your electric wall hung fires fireplace. Then, use an electric drill to make the holes. Most wall-mounted electric fires come with a design template that has all the required markings. This will ensure that you are drilling in the correct spot.

To minimize the risk of accidental fire, it's essential to keep an appropriate distance between the fire and any combustible materials such as curtains, carpets or furniture. Keep children and pets away from the fire to avoid any injuries. Keep the area clear of debris to ensure that your fire can function properly.


Electric fireplaces mounted on the wall aren't just attractive, but also practical and safe. They do not require a flue, and are therefore less inflammable than traditional chimney fireplaces. They also typically have a safety screen to stop pets or children from gaining access to the flames or heater. This feature, combined with the fact that they are normally set up between four and five feet above the floor and are a great choice for families with children who are small.

In addition to a safety screen, electric fires typically come with an automatic shut-off switch. This is designed to avoid overheating and safeguard the appliance from electrical overload. You can also buy an electrical fireplace that has an emergency stop button in case you are concerned about the dangers of fire.

Follow the guidelines given by the manufacturer for the installation and use of the fireplace to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. If you can, locate a location for the fireplace that is not too close to furniture or drapes. Install the fireplace at a minimum of 4 to 5 feet above the ground.

If you opt for a wall-mounted fireplace, make sure that it is suitable for the home. If the fire isn't suitable for the power supply in your home, it may overheat or cause a hazard. Look for an appliance with features that are in line with the decor of your home.

A kit that is ready to assemble is the most convenient method of installing an electric wall fire. The kit will come with an outline of where to drill holes. Utilizing the template along with a spirit level and a pencil, you can mark the spot on your wall where you'll be fixing the bracket. You'll then have to drill the holes and insert rawl plugs. This is a simple task that should not take more than 30 minutes.

Another option is to hire an expert to set up your fireplace. This will cost more however it is an excellent option if you desire a stylish finish and a fully functional fireplace. You should always use a certified electrician when installing any electrical appliances in your home.cali-wh-ef-floating-fireplace-tv-stand-f

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