Considerations When Shopping For an Electric Wall Fireplace

Add a touch of warmth and ambiance to any room by installing an electric wall fireplace. These units look just like a real fire but they don't need ventilation and are easy-to-install.

litsdfm-50-inch-electric-fireplace-recesA lot of models employ LED lighting and mirrors to create realistic flames and ember beds. They typically come with multiple color variations and remote controls for additional convenience.

The choice of a fireplace

Electric fireplaces can be a great way to bring a modern touch to your living space. They can also be used to provide zone or supplementary heating when required. There are several things that homeowners need to consider when looking for an electric fireplace to assist them in narrowing down their options and choose the best one.

The size of the room is an important factor. Based on the square footage there are various types of electric fireplaces that you can consider. A wall-mounted electric fireplaces wall mounted fireplace that is flat is a good option for small spaces, whereas mantel-style units are better suited for larger apartments or homes.

electactic-60-inches-electric-fireplace-The type of flame effect you prefer is also crucial. Many electric fireplaces feature a number of colors and flame settings that can be adjusted to your preference. Some models even have mirrors to create unique and exciting flame movements. Other things to consider are whether the fireplace comes with a remote control and what the maximum wattage. The higher the wattage, the more heat the fireplace will generate.

Certain models require hard-wired into the electrical system of your home Some models can be plugged into an outlet in the wall. If you choose the latter option, be sure to check whether there is an available outlet in the area in which you're planning to install the fireplace. It's important to make sure that the outlet is located on a specific circuit and not shared with other appliances or fixtures.

When determining the amount of heat that electric fireplaces can generate the BTU rating must be taken into consideration. This is typically stated in the product description or on the label. BTUs are the measure of the heat generated by a device that is high, and a higher BTU rating means that the fireplace can effectively warm a room.

Another important aspect to consider is where the electric fireplace will be installed in the room. Depending on the model, it can be wall-mounted, attached to furniture pieces such as a TV or media console stand, or incorporated into a custom-built cabinet. The wall's thickness could be a factor as walls that are thin may not be able to accommodate a deep electric fireplace without being extended or reworked.

Finding an Excellent Location

Electric wall hung electric fire fireplaces are a practical and cost-effective way to heat your house without having to build chimneys. These fireplaces are typically preferred because they don't emit harmful gas byproducts and can be put in on areas where a real fireplace is difficult to install due to space or safety concerns. But, a major issue is that these fireplaces are easily smashed down through accident or by children and pets, so it's important to secure them properly to the wall.

This can be accomplished by following a few simple steps. The first step is to fix the fireplace to the wall using an anchor. This will stop it from shaking or moving when it's installed. The next step is to ensure that the fireplace is properly anchored, which can be accomplished by using self-tapping screws, or heavy-duty wall anchors. They can be found in many hardware stores and are fairly inexpensive to purchase. The fireplace should be placed on the wall in a place that is not prone to moisture and is kept away from areas with high traffic, drapes, or furniture.

Before putting in the fireplace, you must think about how you'll intend to utilize it. If you want to hang it above your couch be sure that the fireplace is wide and tall enough to accommodate the fireplace and the couch. In addition, you should be aware that the fireplace generates some heat, so it's best to place it higher in the room to spread the heat evenly across the space.

If you love reading or relaxing by the fire installing the fireplace in a location that is easy to access is a great idea. The fireplace can also provide a cozy atmosphere for intimate gatherings of family and friends.

Another benefit of having an electric fireplace is that it does not release any smoke or ash into the air, which could be a problem in homes with children or pets. It's also a great choice for those with allergies or asthma because it will not create harmful odors that can be trapped in carpets, rugs, or furniture.

Drilling Holes

Depending on the type of fireplace you select and your level of experience with DIY projects, drilling holes for an electric wall fire may or not be possible. If you have a fireplace that plugs into an electrical outlet, it will be simple to put in however, if you're planning to install a built-in fireplace that requires cutting the drywall and then framing directly into the wall, you'll need to hire an electrician.

If you are installing a recessed wall mounted fire, you'll first need to determine the location of your studs with the stud finder, or by drilling an exploratory hole in the wall. Once you have identified the studs' locations and marked them on the wall with a pencil. It is also important to ensure that the wall is dry and if it's not, you'll have to apply a layer of insulation before beginning.

Some recessed wall-mounted electric fires have an outline of where to drill holes making this stage much easier than if you were to mount the fire without a template. It is still essential to use a spirit-level and a pencil when marking the brackets. Take your time to do this.

It is essential to use a hammer-drill using a brick drill when drilling brick or concrete block walls. These drills are specially designed for these types of materials and deliver a more precise end result than a standard drill. Use a dust mask when drilling into these walls as they can produce a large amount of dust.

Once the holes are completed, you can install the electric fire on its brackets. You must ensure that the fire is located away from combustible materials like curtains, bedding and clothing, since these items could get hot and ignite or burn. It is also important to make sure that the fireplace is plugged in to a power supply that is close enough so that it does not overheat or even burn out.

Mounting the Fireplace

Most electric fireplaces can be put on a flat wall, but it is important to make sure that the area is free of furniture and other items that could hinder the heating of the room. It is also important to ensure that the drywall, as well as other materials, are not flammable. This could lead to major fires when the fireplace is operating at high temperatures.

If you are unsure about whether your wall is suitable for an electric fireplace, it is crucial to contact an expert installer for assistance. They can offer suggestions on the kind of wall to use and the best installation. They could also provide you with information on the different types of electric fireplaces are available for the type of home that you own.

Once you have located the ideal location for your electric fireplace it is time to start mounting it to the wall. The first step is to remove the wall mount bracket from the side of the fireplace and then mark the location at which it will need to be mounted to the wall. It is beneficial to have a spirit level gauge to aid you in this process as it will enable you to make sure that the wall is straight and flat before drilling holes into it.

The next step is to drill the holes that will connect the electric fireplace to the wall. It is crucial to drill holes that are the correct size. It is important to be patient when drilling with a power drill because it may be difficult to return the hole back to its original size.

Once the holes are drilled and the fireplace is ready to be mounted the fireplace on the wall. This can be a fairly straightforward task, but it is crucial to make sure that the fireplace is fixed securely to the wall and there are no gaps left. It is also important to ensure that the fireplace is placed at the correct height on the wall.

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