How to Go About Repairing Double Glazing Windows

Window-Repairs.-150x150.jpgMany double-glazed windows come with a guarantee that covers them for up 20 years. If you notice a problem it's a good idea to contact the company that provided the windows to find out what their policy for repairs is.

In some instances, fixing your double glazing is a simple task. Here are the most common problems and how to fix them.

Broken Glass

Double pane windows rely on an air-tight seal in order to keep the outer and inner glass in place. If one of the glass panes cracks, it can be very difficult to remove the broken piece without damaging the window frame. This type of damage can also result in an energy loss and therefore it is crucial to fix the crack quickly and correctly.

Fortunately, fixing damaged glass in double glazing windows is an easy job that can be accomplished at home using the right tools and materials. To begin take off any loose pieces of broken glass from the frame. Wear protective gloves as broken glass could contain dangerous shatterings. After removing the broken glass, use a dampened rag and alcohol or rub alcohol to clean the area around the frame. This will get rid of any adhesive residue.

Remove any remaining glazing points using a putty blade. After all the glazing points are gone, clean the backside of the window frame as well as the l-shaped space between where the window pane meets the frame to ensure they are free of any hardened glass compound. Finally, prepare to install a new piece of glass by cleaning the old glass and the new frame using a wire brush. Once the frame is clean then apply a small amount of glazier's putty on the edge of the glass to ensure it is secured against the frame.

Some windows use aluminum, wood or vinyl stops to hold the glass instead of the glazier's points. If your double-glazed windows are of this type, use a utility blade to cut through the tape on both sides to remove the stop without damaging it. After the stop is removed, you can apply a strong-hold strip to the exterior of the new pane of window to stop further damage from occurring.

Leaking Seals

The seals around the frame could be faulty if your double-glazed windows leak. This is a serious problem because it means that all of the thermally insulating gas has escaped out and your window is losing efficiency. This could cause you to pay more for heating as windows aren't as efficient as they once were.

There are a few warning signs that you can look for to stop a drafty window from developing. If you feel a breeze blowing through your windows, even when they are closed, the seal might have been damaged and require resealing. You may also notice condensation forming on the glass which is another indication that seals are failing.

The most straightforward method to get rid of a draught is to simply replace the seals around the frames. This is a complicated task that requires special tools to ensure that the window is not damaged glass. It is best to consult an experienced glass company to complete this task, since they can use deglazing equipment to remove the old seals and harm the glass.

In certain situations it is possible to repair leaky double glazed windows by using silicone putty to fill the gaps. This isn't a great solution as it does not provide a high resistance to heat and is susceptible to leaks in the future. It's worth a shot in the event that there are no other options available.

Rubber seals around double-glazed windows can break as time passes. This can be due to age, environmental conditions or the way the windows are put in place. It is important to replace the seals as quickly as you can to ensure your double-glazed windows will be the same as they were when they were first installed.

A draughty window is often the most obvious sign that your double glazing isn't performing as it should. You will feel an air draught at the frame's edges, where the frame joins the brickwork or the wall. This is because the seal has failed, allowing air to get through. This can sometimes result in damp patches appearing on the walls.


Double-glazing windows are an excellent choice for homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs and increase the insulation of their home. They are durable and last a long time but they do require some maintenance.

One common problem that windows with double glazing experience is condensation. It is often the first sign that the window seal has failed. If condensation isn't addressed promptly, it can lead to the growth of mould and eventually wood mold and even wood.

Condensation usually occurs in the morning when air temperatures rise and humidity levels rise which causes water vapour to form. This can be seen on your windows and isn't anything to worry about, but it's a good idea wipe away any visible condensation as quickly as you can in order to prevent it from forming.

But it's not always a indicator of a failed seal. There are other reasons your double glazed windows may be leaking. Rubber seals on double-glazed windows can wear down over time. The rubber seals be worn out over time, which causes them to break. This can cause the air gap to become depressurized. air gap between the glass panes. This is why it's crucial to have your double-glazed windows fixed immediately in the event that you observe any signs of condensation or misting.

A tradesman can fix a double-glazed window doctor that has condensation by removing the affected pane, then putting it back into place. They will then push hot air through the gap in order to eliminate any moisture. They will then apply a new seal to ensure that the gap is airtight and functioning as it should be.

Repairing your double-glazed windows can be a cheaper option than buying and installing brand new ones. It is also essential to find a reliable tradesperson to do the work. Checkatrade assists you by offering local verified, vetted, and inspected traders who are experienced in double glazing upvc repairs near me. All you have to do is enter your postcode along with the type of tradesperson you require to get a list results.

Frame Damage

If you hear crackling sounds or other strange noises coming from your double glazed windows, it's a sign that one of the frame seals has been damaged. These seals keep water and cold out of the insulating gap between glass panes, so it's vital to get them replaced as soon as you can to stop moisture entering your home.

Fractures can break due to general wear and tear or damage caused by collisions with children or pets. Most of the time, this can be fixed by a simple fix like using silicone to fill the gap or sanding the area. However, more extensive damage could require the installation of new window frames, which is not something you'd want to do on yourself unless you're skilled tradesman.

Another common problem with double glazing is that it becomes difficult to open and close. This could result from a buildup of dust and dirt in the track or a structural issue like warping. It can be resolved with a little elbow grease and a gentle nudge, depending on the extent of the issue.

Moisture that gets in through damaged double glazed windows could cause dampness inside your home, as well as mould and condensation. The warm air inside your home is more likely to retain moisture than cooler air outside, so it will settle on surfaces such as windows with double glazing or single-glazed that aren't properly sealed.

The good aspect is that these issues can be corrected and is usually cheaper than replacing your windows entirely. Double glazing problems are typically covered by a warranty usually for 10 or 20 years, but certain companies offer lifetime warranties - always check the coverage of your window prior to you start working. Always communicate with your company in writing, by email or letter, not sending a text message. This will make things easier if you need to follow up with them about any issues that arise.

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